UC’s Statewide Pistachio Day Being Held Jan. 19-20


UC ANR will host its annual Pistachio Day virtually on Jan. 19-20, 2022. The event will deliver the latest research-based production practices to prospective or current growers, production managers and PCAs to better achieve their pistachio growing goals.

The first day will offer an industry overview as well as sessions on various important topics within the area of horticulture science, spanning from drought and water management to nutrition and biostimulant application. Additionally, some of the latest prediction tools for pistachio yield and nut growth will be introduced, and the day will end with some Golden Hills management tips and an update on breeding trials.

The second day will focus on food safety and integrated pest management. Presentations will give new insights into the management of Phytophthora root and crown rot, Alternaria late blight and Gill’s mealybug. Methods to alleviate high aflatoxin contamination in pistachio will be also presented as well as an integrated pest management program for navel orangeworm. The day will conclude with an overview on the development of sterile insect technique for navel orangeworm.

To register for the 2022 Statewide Pistachio Day, click here. To sign up for Pistachio Day announcements and notifications, click here.